The team at Fiducian Financial Services Canberra (Fiducian Canberra) understands the importance of working with you to ensure the security of your financial future.
Our team of Planners has an expertise unrivalled in Canberra, able to provide you with objective and clearly communicated personalised advice, across all the areas that matter to you.
Many people, however, struggle to take action to meet with a Planner, or to develop and execute a tailored financial plan. This is often because it appears difficult to find financial advice which you are comfortable with, which inspires confidence, or where the plan and advice appears tailored and the best advice for you, given your circumstances. Additionally, when you go to see a financial advisor, the experience is that you meet with someone different each time, meaning you have to continually re-explain your situation.
At our Firm, we understand it may all seem too difficult, generic, impersonal, hard to understand and time consuming. At Fiducian Canberra, we believe it doesn’t have to be this way.
Our utmost commitment is to work with you, and guide you, in creating a tailored financial plan that is easy to understand and that gives you peace of mind. We will then work with you to encourage your accountability for its execution. After all, it is the execution, and not the plan itself, that will ensure you have your financial goals which will enable you to maintain a certain lifestyle in your later years, thus giving you financial peace of mind now and in years to come.
With us, our aim is that you will work with the same Planner every time. Someone who will come to have a deep understanding of your situation and what you want to achieve. A Planner who has the ability to advise on and adjust your plan over time, to ensure you stay on track and are able to react to unforeseen changes in circumstances as they occur. The strong relationship built over time, also allows your Planner to personally hold you to account for the commitments that you agreed were required to achieve your financial goals.
You will be safe in the knowledge that the advice your planner provides you is the best, most appropriate advice for your situation and circumstances. This is because our Firm is not aligned to any of the major banks or investment houses. At Fiducian Canberra we firmly believe that your circumstances and tailored plan should be what decides the products you require, to achieve your financial and other lifetime goals.
At Fiducian Canberra we are second-to-none when it comes to understanding and advising on Commonwealth Superannuation Schemes. The knowledge of these complex schemes is what our business and reputation is built on. Our Planners are also extremely skilled and experienced in advising on aged care planning, managed investment portfolios, debt management, superannuation accumulation and account based pensions, as well as Inter-generational Wealth.
We would welcome an initial conversation with you about your circumstances and what financial goals you want to achieve.