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Wealth creation is all about giving you options. Whether that be early retirement or assisting your children along the way, it is about the flexibility you seek, utilising your wealth, during your lifetime. This is why Fiducian Financial Services Canberra (Fiducian Canberra) offers a variety of options to build superannuation and investment wealth.

A critical element in having flexibility, is being able to fund it.  Wealth Creation and management is essential to that. Our advice and strategies will form a tailored, financial plan with short, medium, and long-term goals, which will build wealth through:

  • saving plans;

  • superannuation accumulation strategies;

  • geared investment options;

  • property investment;

  • direct investments

  • managed funds;

  • superannuation funds providers; and

  • the use of Self-Managed Super Funds (SMSF).

Our utmost commitment is to work with and to guide you.  We will assist you by creating a tailored financial plan, which builds wealth, which is easy to understand.  We will then encourage your accountable for the execution of the plan and will be there to assist as circumstances change. After all, it is the execution, and not the plan itself, that will ensure you build wealth and achieve the flexibility that you want.

Whenever you need to discuss wealth building, our aim is that you will work with the same Planner every time, who will come to have a deep understanding of your situation, any changes in circumstances as they occur and what you want to achieve. That gives the Planner the ability to advise and adjust your plan, over time, to ensure you stay on track. The strong relationship that you will build will also allow your Planner to personally hold you to account for the commitments that you agreed were needed to build wealth and achieve your financial goals.

You will be safe in the knowledge that the advice your Planner provides you is the best advice, in line with your personal circumstances. Our Firm is not aligned to any of the major banks or investment houses and that means our team are not placed under any pressure to sell you specific financial products. We firmly believe that your circumstances and tailored plan should be what decides which products you need to build wealth and achieve your financial goals.

We would welcome an initial conversation with you about your circumstances and what wealth building goals you want to achieve.

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